Take Control

Whenever you encounter someone who is really successful, do you sometimes feel a little envious, or even resentful? Do you ever think 'how have they managed to get that job?'.

While some people end up with good jobs through luck, the vast majority these days are there through hard work. However, there is one additional secret that often gets overlooked.

Almost all successful people have at some point in their career made a decision to take charge. That is, they have decided to take their life out of the hands of fate and put it firmly under their own control.

This may have started as early as picking the right GCSEs and sticking in at school, but equally it could be deciding on an objective after leaving school with poor qualifications.

The common thread is often having a realistic target and then doing everything you can to achieve that.

For example, you may decide to a be residential care home manager. This may mean starting out as a personal carer, but undertaking some additional management training as you are developing your skill set.

The key takeaway message here is 'you decide'.

If this sounds easier said than done then you are right, but that is why Care Career North East is here.

Career Support

You can get in touch and talk through the different options with us.

We will help you explore your own preferences and capabilities to establish the right path to bring the greatest personal opportunity.

We will then help you find the right start point on the path to taking control of your own future career.

career mapping on flip chart

“The common thread is often having a realistic objective and then doing everything you can to achieve that.”